May 1, 2024
Survivor Voices

Survivor Voices: Yahira, a breast cancer survivor

We are thrilled to share today’s "Survivor Voices" feature with a snippet taken from an interview with Yahira Torres, a young breast cancer survivor.

Yahira is a few years out of treatment, and her words so honestly express the trials and tribulations that many survivors can experience as they navigate life after cancer treatment. 

“In September of 2020, I found a lump on my right breast. I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma, breast cancer. Soon after that, I found out that I had a genetic mutation predisposed to cancer, BRCA2. My medical team and I decided that a double mastectomy was the right decision for me. Following that, I underwent 16 rounds of chemotherapy, 25 rounds of radiation, and a bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, which is the removal of both ovaries and fallopian tubes.  I am currently on hormonal therapy and hoping to have reconstruction surgery in the near future.”

“Survivorship means learning to live every day, one at a time. It’s knowing things can happen at any moment but life is meant to be lived so you do your best just to do that. I’m so interested in creating a program that’s designed for survivorship. I don’t think there is enough support for those who are trying to live life after cancer, and for those living with cancer."

"I was shocked at how much I struggled mentally after being out of treatment. I wish I had any resources, mental health, dietary, nurse practitioners, anything or anyone to help navigate life after cancer. Community is huge, especially the community that understands first hand."

"My biggest piece of advice for survivors would be to get a therapist as soon as you’re able. Even if you think you’re handling everything well, your mental health will be one of the most challenging things you have to work through.” 

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